School Meals

School Meals

Dinners are prepared on the premises and consist of a choice between a hot meal, vegetarian option, salad or sandwiches.  Our preferred method to collect dinner money is through ParentPay, details of which can be obtained from the Academy office.  Dinners are charged at £2.90 per day (£14.50 per week).

Arrangements can be made for pupils requiring a special diet on medical advice.

North Yorkshire currently provide free meals to pupils in Years Reception, 1 and 2. If your child qualifies you will need to complete a Universal Free School Meal form available from the Academy Office.

In addition to the universal free school meals for key stage one pupils, free school meals are available to children whose parents receive certain benefits.

Should you think your child qualifies for free school meals, you can check if you are eligible via the Free School Meal process at .  

This is simple process to follow and parents will receive an instant decision on whether their application has been successful.  

Pupils may bring packed dinners with cold drinks, but they must be eaten in the Dining Hall at the assigned dinner time unless specific arrangements have been made by the class teacher.  Drinks must be in non-breakable containers.  We would encourage you to not include chocolate or confectionary items but to include two pieces or fruit or vegetable.   We would encourage you to send water, squash or fruit juice not fizzy drinks.  Pupils are able to bring in seeds but NO NUTS or nut products.

Woodlands Academy
Woodlands Drive
North Yorkshire
YO12 6QN

Tel: 01723 373260


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

Website by Rivo Agency